Małgorzata Hoch-Zwolińska
Wind Turbine Blades Repairing Team Manager, PGE Energia Odnawialna
Małgorzata Hoch-Zwolińska is the manager of Wind Turbine Blades Repairing Team in PGE Energia Odnawialna. The PGE Capital Group is Poland’s largest energy sector company. She has been working in wind industry in PGE EO for 10 years. Started as a cartographer and GIS Analyst with the geodesy and geography background from Warsaw University of Technology and quickly realized that the world of wind turbine blades is much more challenging. She has taken the responsibility for PGE blades with telescope and later drone inspections. Helped making the idea of creating a blade repair team in PGE happened. She leads the group of technicians but never stopped exploring new skills. She has finished IRATA and GWO Blade Repair courses for better understanding the technician’s challenges. Being on site and in the office enables her to come up with new ideas and search for the best solutions.