Why are you sponsoring Blades Europe?
We're delighted to sponsor Blades Europe and look forward to sharing our knowledge and expertise with our industry colleagues. The event is focussed on the latest advancements in blade innovation and predictive maintenance, so it perfectly aligns with the SkySpecs portfolio.
Which key topics are you excited to hear about at Blades Europe?
The role of AI in inspections is of particular interest and we look forward to shaping the conversation around this with our own unique experience. We also look forward to hearing real life examples and case studies from our industry peers, which are always particularly valuable.
What will we be hearing from you?
Tomasz Sieradzan, Principal Blade Engineer at SkySpecs is speaking at the event on the topic of Crack growth risk. In his presentation, Tomasz will explain how we use historical data and probability analysis to quantify the risk to asset health.
What can delegates hope to gain from this event?
The full event programme is packed with interesting insight from thought leaders across the industry. It presents a unique opportunity to share our collective expertise. Extensive research and data has gone into the SkySpecs presentation and the topic was exceptionally well received at our US customer forum event earlier in the year. We look forward to sharing our findings more widely with European colleagues.